Level 3: Area 2


Explore how ads are placed where they are.

Ads don't appear where they do by accident. Advertisers carefully pick where, when, and how to place their ads to reach their target audience.

In this area, you'll learn how advertisers make these choices.

Challenge 1: Product Placement

You see lots of ads on TV. Sometimes it’s easy to spot the commercials during breaks in the show, or between shows. But sometimes the ads are actually in the shows. (The same is true for movies and games.) Advertisers pay to have their products show up in the story.

Can you spot the ad where there is product placement?

  • “To Be 2” movie poster
    Image of 'To Be 2' movie poster
  • American Audition poster
    Image of a poster for a TV program called 'American Audition', depicting three judges sitting at a table drinking Summit Soda.  Silhouettes of program contestants and the American Audition logo are above them.
  • NBT Clothing magazine ad
    Image of NBT Clothing magazine ad
  • Delish Bits advergame
    Image of Delish Bits game screen shot
Incorrect - see above for the right answer.
The correct answer is American Audition Poster
Call out

Challenge 2: Billboards

Advertisers put billboard ads where they think their target audience will see them.

If you were posting billboard ads for a cool new backpack, what locations would you choose?

  • Near schools
  • Near libraries
  • Near restaurants
  • Near sports stadiums
  • Near parks
Incorrect - see above for the right answer.
The correct answer is Near schools, near libraries and near parks

Challenge 3: Television

Ads for the same product can be very different depending on the target audience. Since advertisers put ads where they think their audience will see them, the ads on different TV channels and shows can be very different.

If you wanted to run an ad for a new brand of house paint, which station would be the best for reaching your audience?

  • A sports channel
    Viewer Interests:
    - Sports…63%
    - Home repair…26%
    - Television…11%
  • A cartoon channel
    Viewer Interests:
    - Television…49%
    - Music…32%
    - Reading…19%
  • A home improvement channel
    Viewer Interests:
    - Home repair…68%
    - Sports…18%
    - Music…14%
Incorrect - see above for the right answer.
The correct answer is A Home Improvement channel
Call out

Challenge 4: Magazines

Advertisers buy space in the magazines their target audience is likely to read.

Match the ad to the magazine where you'd expect to see it.

The first magazine advertisement is pages from a Zed Clothing catalog with pictures of teens dressed in casual, trendy outfits, hanging out with their friends. The second ad is a magazine ad featuring screen shots of a video game and the Celestia logo; text reads: 'Jungle Mysteries: Zaano's Quest TM.'
  • Sportszfan Jr.
  • Kidz Style
  • Fiftween
  • Gamer World
  • Sportszfan Jr.
  • Kidz Style
  • Fiftween
  • Gamer World
The first magazine ad shows two girls on a sunny, snowy mountainside with their faces toward the sun and their boards resting at their sides. The second ad features tubes, bottles, and jars of Cleanology skincare products, before-and-after customer photos and directions on how to order.  Text includes, 'Save 50%' and 'Results May Vary.'
  • Sportszfan Jr.
  • Kidz Style
  • Fiftween
  • Gamer World
  • Sportszfan Jr.
  • Kidz Style
  • Fiftween
  • Gamer World
Incorrect - see above for the right answer.
The correct answer is Kidz Style, Gamer World, Sportszfan Jr., and Fiftween

Challenge 5: Online

Your computer keeps track of the websites you visit, so advertisers can deliver targeted ads – that is, ads for products you might be interested in.

Look at the pairs of websites and ads below. Which match-up is a good example of targeting?

  • An ad for Giant Pets Store on CelebrityzRCool.som or
  • An ad for Cheap Movie Ticketz on Filmtrakr.somor
  • An ad for Whites Teeth Wash on CoolMathGames.som
Incorrect - see above for the right answer.
The correct answer is 'An ad for Cheap Movie Ticketz on Filmtrakr.som'